Beat That.
Sexy. Lve.
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
I cant be bothered to update this boring blog anymore. Becoming more dead than ever. What else can u expect? HAHA better off let it just die but still remembered in any way. Im gonne delete and start on a new blog on a new 2010. If that is im not laSy. Buh-bye earthling xo.

Monday, December 21, 2009
i hate YOU! dont love YOU already (!!!!!!!!!!) grumpy*

Sunday, December 20, 2009
Can't believe im still having the New Moon craZe Ha-ha. Need to watch it badly again. Both werewolves and vampires are unresistable. I dont care if you think its not good enough of whatsoever. I like it and thats that! hehehe. And eventho my results wasn't good enuf compare to some people, i dont care anymore. I still need to live my life. Im gonne choose the path that i think is what i really want. I hope that i wont be looked down by some people that is related to me. Right now all i need is your love. Haha okey la dont want to shit here too much.

But im really going craSy about the sales that is at mango!!!!! hehe atlast bought my 2nd jeans from there and im luving it :D! I wanted another one with the zip but maybe not now. Wanne shop for long tee and biker jacket but i know i dont have $$ so i shall stop talking and instead concentrate on which path im gonne choose & also take care of my own health coz im down with a sore throat and my whole body is killing me!

Monday, December 14, 2009
Im up at 7.30am becoz, u wont believe this. Im actually scared thinking about getting results on Friday. Can we all go back to early 2009 and study all over again? I know its impossible but i wish we could have a time machine right now. Its killing me BOOO ~ :(
Sorrrrrrryy, my mind is half awake only so i cant think properly. "Just think that later u will be watching New Moon." HandZome HairY guys ^.^

Saturday, December 12, 2009
Hello !~ hehe kinda loving my new short hair but i promise, xoxo that i will keep my hair long after this. No more torturing my hair xx.
Other than that the 3D2N lil cuz sleep-over is finally over. Cant believe it is in fact tiring to take good care, feed, play with, endure with 2 huge big babies for those 2 days. But kinda missing them now. The house was abit alivex10 and whatsnot, noisier than it usually is. Hope that they'll come again :) hehe oky gonne go out and have dinner with fam now xx.

Friday, December 11, 2009
WOOOO at last cut-ed my hair \m/
Okey gonne watch amazing race toddles~

Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Wanne wish my lil sissy a big birDay :)
Enjoy & study hard. Also please take care of your tummy! LUV U!

Change another new skin again. But not satisfied (!!!!!!!!!!)
The profile part suck big time manxzxz. Enough is enough 8)! Gonne cook breakfast despite it is 12.23pm already. Calobeteh :)

"You never die before ah?" -My favourite sentence hehe. Nighty night. Btw whose YELLOWMAN? Sounds like a pervert to me xD

Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Okey lets start tagging everyone :D!

Monday, December 7, 2009

Glad that ive finally change my skin after quite awhile. Sorry for the pink hehe. L♥ving it thou :) But thx to that black mamba, ive the energy to change this skin but prolly i wont blog often. And still, the profile part is boring like forever. Gonne change it tmr, k. Shud stop now, gonne twitter and then hit the sack.

P/S: L♥ve you for still viewing this blog :D!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Pichas are not in order becoz im laSy to move it abt and im enjoying my classic magnum 8) hehe ciao!


Sunday, November 22, 2009

SUPERRRRR SORRRRRRRRRYY for i haven't been updating this boring blog and without saying it, its getting more boring each day. But im glad that there is still one black boy who is still returning to this link, page and have been asking me to update. So here i am, for i will fufill his wish and make him smile for awhile, oky? :)
This year holiday is indeed a long one and a fun one too. But there's still few more weeks to go before a new year begins and where good/bad things might await me/us. Not sure if im looking forward to it thou : Ok but whatever it is, everyone is sure wishing it to be a good year. Yep! So hows your holiday been?
I cant believe its going to be the end of november - soon enough. And i still haven't start working. And instead have been spending money on movies, McRonald, dvd, online shopping, and ofcoz more moviess and McRonald. Tskk. But im glad that ive met new friends which is indeed what i wish for :D! So i can't really be bothered to update this blog just thinking of the layout for my blog. I just don't have the time and energy to do so. I can't say that i'll change it soon becoz im just plain laSy.
So i'll work it out! And till here i'll be blogging. Sorry for the super short post, mr black mamba hehe ;) And i wont be updating anytime soon too okey bcoz i'll be writing in my diary from now onwards so it'll be difficult to deal w alot of "diaries" hehe. So have fun earthlings <3!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009
FML!!(this is the 1st time im typing and using this word ever ever ever)
For u: Im sorry, for loving u.
Im sorry, im upset.
Im sorry, im sick and tired of this love.
Im sorry, im not understanding.
Im sorry, im hurting u.
Im sorry, im angry.
Im sorry, i make u angry.
Im sorry, yr sad.
Im sorry, i cant be happy.
Im sorry, i cant make u happy.
Im sorry, i cant make u understand.
Im sorry, i cant be wad u wan me to be.
Im sorry, i cant.......

And the list goes on and on.........

Friday, October 30, 2009
craSy! craSy! craSy! craSy! "This is madness!"
The laptop has a nervous breakdown since yesterday night. I was terribly sad and angry. How could anyone ever do this cruel thing to the laptop, which cost so much. I still cant find the culprit bcoz before i left the house yesterday, the laptop was still in good conditioned. AHHHHHHHHHHS! I cant think more about it, i'll go bonkers. How can i ever think straight now that laptop is gone - forever. Cb dog. Ok i know i am exaggerating (i almost forgot how to spell and even better pronounce this F*king word). Oh god!

Plus without laptop, how can i ever watch anime, dramas online? And even better, i cant play farmville and cafe world bcoz my computer is teTrible. Its supaaar lagged when i played cafe world just now. And i even hate the sound of the cpu when the computer is loaded with a lot of stuffs :(( AND TO THINK ABOUT IT, I CANT WEBCAM W MY BLACK MAMBAss TILL LATE MORNING ANYMORE!!! CB! WHY MUST MY LIFE IS BE LIKE THESE?!?! WHY?!?! *calms down*

And to put it altogether, I couldnt think straight and had no enuf sleep due to the movie: paranormal activity. How could i even thought of watching the show w archana somemore! The show kept replaying in my mind, in my view. Was so teTrified until i cant sleep right now, and its only 8.20am! I still could make fun of the show, putting muruku infront of the laptop and trying to make a joke out of it. And all archana did was laughed. HA-HA! See lah! Im scared rite now! Scaredy pants! Tsk tsk tskk.

I think i shall try to convert my attention to smth funny oky. I can die if i keep thinking about that horrible show :( And bare w me, i think this blog is going to be dead for sometime - period! And pls, miss me k. Bcoz im missing the girls in schl which include fiona, ika, grace, ros, sam and then the list goes on and on and on... Ohh yuh, missing ho ching terribly: her face, her smile, her laugh, her vulgurities. Dont forget, New moon ah new moon :)) Oklah, shaddup lah Alina! Byee!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Yoyoyoyo main yoyo *kening jogek* Aper tak klakar? Tak klakar takmo ketawe, tak sroh pon. Haha oppss sorry.

Have anyone watched The Blue Mansion? Itss a supaar hilarious local show, which is must watch. But for 2 hours in there, sitting = boredddd. Atleast it was worth my 7.50$ hehe. But heart pain, bcoz money gone lyk dat. Not working + no schling = NO MONEHHH! Still thinking shud i work anott. Tsk tsk tskk.

Anyw, have been chatting and using webcam w frens. Maklom lah, i dun really use webcam so mcm happy gitu bile gunekan. Sorry eh, lmbt seminit. Okeyyy lah, nak sambong webcamminggg, bye bye homosapiens.. Shall end w pichasss from webcamming.

C this then go to -

Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Morrniiiingg homosapiens. Its kinda, since its 1.47 am right now. Gonna head to bed soooon hehe. Have been bored to death staying at home and stuffing myself with foods. Ok not exactly foods - chocolate. And it doesnt make me full, so i'll alwayZ complaint to ayah that im hungary and he will nag nag nag at me. But when i stuff myself w chocolates, i'll feel guilty and then i'll go for a jog which is pretty good enuf for me :) So i dun think i'll be getting fatter anytime soon, lyk someone said HA-HA! And im still thinking if i shud go out and head to work? Bcoz my money wun last for long, as i'll be going shopping shopping and more shopping. AHHHHHHHss. I cant think straight. I guess i shall have an early night. hhehe. Bye~
P/S: Luv u, yesss u :)

Friday, October 23, 2009
Holyday is getting boriing :( Spending money shopping and now its almost gone. I need a work, i want to work. But - laSy. Tskk! Bad bad bad badddd.

But i shall do smth abt it, sooner or later :) I wan to delete blogger! I wan to delete onsugar. I wan to erase all the memories i have, had. Yess, plss. Sigh~

Boriing -

Saturday, October 17, 2009
I had fun on thursday and friday thaaaanks to the peepoS :) Hehe.

  • Planned w nas to surprise fana w birthday cake as a belated gift.
  • The plan worked and she was really surprised hehe :)
  • Then we stayed at her house till 6 to watch movie, Hancock.
  • Afta dat went home.
  • Nekz, hope u lyk the cake (!!!!!)


  • Planned was to stay at home coz was laSy to go out.
  • Wanted to slp but the nekz called and asked me out to play pool.
  • Was bored so i agreed.
  • Met nekz and bbf at clementi.
  • Went to the pool place but was packed.
  • Wanted to chill at the bowling place but then we all agreed to play bowling last min.
  • Had lots of fun during the game w all the laughters.
  • By 7 we stopped and chill near the swimming complex.
  • And im homed by 7.45pm.
  • Seriously had fun and was tire out.
  • Lets play another game soon :)

Okey shall go and do smth else now. Anw, HAPPY DEEPAVALII INDIAN PEEPOss hehe.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Im back back bacck baaack backk bacckk baaackk baaaaaack :D!
Finally N lvl is over and im soooooo enjoying myself. And im glad i can continue watching dramasss online every single day hehe.

I wanna go now, itssss raining so i shall go and slp teeheheee. Update sooon :)! Babagoogoo~

Im smiling more without u now, thanks.

Saturday, September 26, 2009
Ystrday was simply awesooomezxz :D! Im so loving F1 more. Cant believed i went and saw the real car and hear the real sound. Nearly went deaf but it was worth it. Seeeee lah, dad go and sell the tickets for today and tmr the finale :( I want to go again. Tskkk but it was superrr tiring. And was perspiring tapi seriouslyy it was all worth it. Glad neneks enjoyed it eh neks? Neneks lain kali kite kluar lagi smpai mabok minom roti G eh (inside jokes). HA-HA! Oklah. Shall end this post with the video :)) Picturess yang lain at facebook nnt i upload. (saje saje nak show off hehe)

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


P.S: Sorry today's post not colourFooL. Not happy, not sad. Duno why. Oh btw, onsugar shall be my most random post which includes quoting?..

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Yey (!!!!) Blogger is back to normal (for me aje lah.) Atlast blh upload pichass and make my wordss colourFooL hehe. I think i shall use blogger back? (or stick to using onsugaaa) Susah btol nak buat pilihan, mcm penting lah sgt bende nii hehe. So anw, letsss start using blogger first since ive been blogging since pri 4/5. But a change is must more better right? Haha fickle minded lagii lah i ni.
But anw, ystrday was soo fun and relaxing. I was so glad that i went for kiamulai and terawih for the first timee? Hehe i know lah (nii budak first timerr. nak step gerek kan?) Tskk HA-HA! I felt so relax when i did terawih but felt half awake when i was praying at 3.30am. Overall, my tears didnt roll down which is thank godd for that? I didnt want to cry infront of the girls. Somethings are better left unsaid.
And since ystrday was the last day of terawih and kiamulai, i am so glad i did this before its too late. (some say its nvr too late, but u nvr know) And tmr is Hari Raya (feeling mcm ader tkde) bcoz N lvl have yet to finish. Ppl dun really know where i really wanna head to. But ive planned them. (let it just be the only one to know for now)
Ahhh penat, but i still want to go out and buy kasot raye :( But i wan to bake and clean my messy room (full of papers and bks) and put up my new langsih. (ni spell asal blh aje hehe) So its a last min thang. (lagi byk mase kau nak blog blog nii semue eh) Ya allah haha. Oklah. Shall blog again soooooon with pictures. Should be blogging here and onsugarrrr. Just look forward to it. (klau tknk, i tak pakse)
W luv, (deeeep deep, inside down.)

Thursday, September 10, 2009
why cant u be like the rest of the guys? so that it will be easy for me to let go and forget. but that difference makes u hu u are. still, we are all humans with feelings. wad are u feeling now?

Tuesday, September 1, 2009
I appreciated for all the wishesss and gifts that were received.
Thx for the people hu had given me surprises for the past two days.
I am really glad u all cud make small lil thang, meant so much to me.
But eventho today starts another everyday live for me,
i know i cudnt forget these day. (eventho im now having STM)
Even for when u wissh me through sms, i wont forget bcoz i know that all my live,
how hard i try to forget every lil thing about u, i cant.
I just wanna talk to u like things nvr have to end in any-way.

P.S. Im in such a deep trouble now. I just cant stop, even, when i really want to. Will u act like u duno? And u dun have to consider my feelingss so that i will stop all those feelings im having now. (if that is wad u wan)

Thursday, August 27, 2009
"My lips are drying up. Feets are cold and numb. Eyes are shutting down. While my trust for you is fading through the night."

go for further updates. u tknk yr problem.

Saturday, August 22, 2009
Fyi, i am using onsugar now bcoz blogger isnt functioning that well (isit just mine or all of yours?) I TAAAAK SUKE (!!!!!!!) But u can tag me here, unless u wanna die (takde link) HA-HA! Bye cacat otaksss heh.

Monday, August 17, 2009
BLOGGER MAKIN TEROK (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
Im not using tumblr anymore (deleted) and using onsugaaaaar currently.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

HA-HA! Eh the advert not for saless eh. But seriously, i needa study partner who is good in chemistry and is patient enuf to teach me until i understand. Any kind soulsss?!

Monday, August 10, 2009
How was yr national day celebration? Ader mcm mine tak? Pegi sini sane. Merata-rata ah i dgn babies i pegi. I hate the crowded place pat city hall and marina square. Mane mane pegi je nampak orang orang yang tak perlu dilihat HA-HA! And lucky enuf we got to watch fireworks without getting squeeze or block (cume pokok yang tak perlu tu je uh) Hehe, only me and the other two knows. We was v v v v enthu, and i didnt fail to snap pichass and video of the fireworks. Only malu je ah nak upload video dier. Psl ader suara pmpn pekik yang tk perlu dlm video (paham paham kan aje eh) LOL! We was slacking, laughing, making stupid faces while waiting for the fireworks. And when there was fireworks, we kanchong spiders bcoz we wasnt aware of it. Tapi best ah :)

Afta that from boat quay, nak tak nak melayang pat marina square jugak. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE i tak suke. V the tak perlu orang orang pat sane seh. Then terjumpa mirhan, and he was insisting that i go w his frens. Abeh, kengkawan i nak letak pat mane eh? Dalam bag i pe? Mcm lain hari tak blh jumpe, padehal rmh seblah blk je kan kan kan. Tskkkkkkk! So afta that, wanted to go ion, but we were too laSy bcoz we wanted to take bus but the road was blocked. Then chillax pat clementi for awhile and then homedddddd.

Was pretty satisfied w ystrday outing and the bunga api. Make me go highh only HA-HA! Oklah, gmbr i upload at my tumblr ok. Toddlesssss :D!

Sunday, August 9, 2009
I IS ANGRY (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
GRRRRRRRRR (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Thursday, August 6, 2009
Will be updating at tumblr for the meantime.
I alr upload my baby photossss.
Go c :)

P.S. U can tag me there.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009
seriously, whuts wrong with blogger? eeeeeeeeeee, irritnye!!!! tak sukee. nvm ah. i update at my tumblr for the mean time. only short post there. and isit going to rain anot?!?! the weather mcm main main seh. tadi gelap, abeh terang, abeh gelap balek. cheat my feeeelingss je :(

and im glad 4/7 guys get to go finals for soccer but sad enuf that we girls cant go to the finalss. mcm biatch eh teachers. buyers sia, aper score finals? go jump down better ah. but i seriously had fun with the girls eventho we lost, u all did yr best. prolly there's next year. and so much for enjoying, right now i am feeling so much pain. power housezxz! go visit my tumblr if u wan, tak nak tak pakse pe. the link bawah u, heee.


Saturday, July 25, 2009
Whuts with blogger?!?! This page im typing is all white. Super weird to the m.x.m!!!!! But anw, ystrday oral was teTrible. I flunk it, v nice :) Hahahha no i dun mean it that way. The reading was okeyyyy, until instead of, "makin berisi, makin rendah." I bace, "Makan berisi, makin rendah." Dengan penuh smgt tao. Then skali i realized my mistake when i was gonna read the next sentence. That time power housezxz! I wanted to laugh at myself and ran away. TEEHEHEEHE!!!! And oso the conversation, i think i ans wrongly for the 1st q then cikgu (give me the look like kau ckp aper ni? aku tanye lain kau jwb lain) I think so lah. I was so scared at my wits. Then i keep wanting to laugh at myself lahhhh. Ya Allah, knape lah hambu ini slenge sgt?!?! MUAHAHAHHHAHA! Oklah atleast its over now which i alr flunk it and cant do anything abt it. FTW!
Ohhhh afterwards when down to wait for others and was laughing with nas and arep abt nenek jual keropok, or isit makcik jual keropok? Whutever shit lah. Pecah perot tao ketawe dgn diorg.
Nas lah, he say amek sapu lidi cocok hidung nenek tu. Abeh i ckp, aku takde sapu lidi. Then nas dgn semgtness ckp, "MAM-MAM-MAMPOS KAU!" We all laugh at him bcoz he said it in a funny way. Gagap skejap eh nas. MUAHAHHAHHA! Then all the way ah we talk abt ghost. FunneH eh u all. Suke ckp part gini. Oh and there was another funneH thing happened. Whe me and the rest was walking, there was a leaf floating to the ground beside me. I shouted in shock bcoz i thot aper tao. Buat malu je. Abeh bbyg pon terpranjat bile i pekik hahahhhaha. Ok dah abes crite. Boringggg ah. Nak berak, k bye :)

Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Blogger is being a pu^^y! But shall just type anyhow. Have been feelinggg real great. Thank god for showing me the ones i am with till today. I swear i sayang all of u bangetxzxz (with a lot of exclamation marksss plsss) hehe. Nothing can replace all of u, and ofcoz mostly it was my bestfren, and dont worry, my one and only babyg still include. Also, ham and arep (confirm korg nmpk ni!) for cheering me up when i was (well, not exactly at my lowest point) but still, it was nice of u all. (And i tell u all, nthg will ever ever ever ever ever make me feel at my lowest anymore) Bcoz i am glad, i dont have frens like that hu even @#!%^ abt their own frens. (FOR GODDAMNSAKE I AM NOT SAYING ANY NAMES HERE. BUT OH I FORGOT, YR HEART KNOWS ITS U! GREATTTT!) I havent been a @%^&* and is a kind hearted but ppl took granted of it. But its good, bcoz i have better frens hu appreciate me right now. (U know hu u all are) Damn, i think i am typing too much abt ppl that is not my concern in my own blog. Make me want to berak only. HAHAHAHHAHHA! And here's a thing for u, ("Its woman err or shud i say humansssss err to badmouth about ppl. I think its normal rite? U shud know bcoz u do that alot! And when i mean alot, IT IS SERIOUSLY ALOT! And wad i said was i dont hate. Do u understand the meaning of HATE AND BADMOUTH!??! GAWWWD! GO, GO AND CHECK THE DICTIONARY DAMNIT! Okey, enuf abt IT bcoz i dont see a need to talk abt it anymore :)

TMR GOT ECLIPSE!!!!!!! JAKON AH ABOHDEN?!?! But here's the thing, (I found it on the net)
"On Wednesday, 2009 July 22, a total eclipse of the Sun is visible from within a narrow corridor that traverses half of Earth. The path of the Moon's umbral shadow begins in India and crosses through Nepal, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Myanmar and China. After leaving mainland Asia, the path crosses Japan's Ryukyu Islands and curves southeast through the Pacific Ocean where the maximum duration of totality reaches 6 min 39 s. A partial eclipse is seen within the much broader path of the Moon's penumbral shadow, which includes most of eastern Asia, Indonesia, and the Pacific Ocean."

Its sadd that we Asians could only see partial of it. (WHY?!?! THIS DOESNT HAVE TO HAPPEN!!) HAHAHA! Which means we could not really see the darkness. But i am eager to see it for myself tmrrrr. Im exciteddd when i first knew abt the eclipse when i saw it during the jan this year. But this is diff. Oh and when i meant excited abt it, its like im excited abt the same thing when i was searching for COLBY DONALDSON pichasss on the net. He got me soooo excitedd.. Seriously his damn hotttt! Okey lah. Im done being a pu^^y here. My stomach cramp issss pissing me off. Dada.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Today is momsie's birthday.
Happpy Birthday Mom =8D!

(Need to do birthday card laterrrr)

I have a new lover who died on june 25th.

Sunday, July 5, 2009
Im gonna summarize about the last day of school for the week till today :)) So practically..........
On Friday,

On Saturday,

Sunday, which is today,

So is that short enuf? Hahhah oklah im done. Shall sleep early.

"I have something to say. I feel guilty for saying it. I shall type in my next post. Stay tune."

Monday, June 29, 2009
My internet is being sucha pu^^y right now. It takes 5 minutes to load blogger, which is really irrit! Ok i shall stop complaining and continue with whut i wanna post. Well well well, today is monday blues which means school start alr, yess..... SCHOOL! I was really looking forward to go back to school this term, to meet my bbygs ofcoz :)) heh. Nothing much happen actually but teachers was passing us the message about H1N1.

Other than that, funny part was during malay lesson. Ok i nak tanye, pernah tak orang rogol rambutan?!?! PERNAH TAK U DGR WORD ROGOL RAMBUTAN?!?! HAHHAHAHHAHHA! Instead of saying jolok rambutan, my friend said rogol rambutan. Aper lagi, satu class ketawe lah. He was the joke for the day. Awwww, so next time use this sentence. "Saya menolong (insert name sape2) rogol rambutan kerana rambutan itu sangat sedap." Hehe oklah, tak klakar for u? So whut? Klakar for me wad. Teeheheheheee.

Anw, have been wanting to type alot of things here and also upload pichas, but im just being a bz beeeee. So i wun do it now. But the pichas i upload below, means something to me. I really miss each and everyone of them and i practically dont know whut to say.

(pichas quality suck!)

I screw everything up. But practically, i didnt scold u, i didnt shout at u and i didn say a thing or two about that incident. I dun blame u. But sorry for ignoring u, i guess that is why u are not talking to me. Im to blame. Im sorry, really for ignoring u. I shudnt do that, and this is the consequences. I miss talking, laughing, fighting with u, abang. Really this time i duno wad to do, wad to say to u. I know wad i do wun mend everything up. Im trying very hard, but i miss u, abang. Wad else can i say? I wanna stop all this, but isit too late"

(sorry i dun have the courage to say sorry to u, i cant type anymore. shall stop here)

"I wont give up, no i wont break down. I'll be strong even if it goes wrong."

Thursday, June 25, 2009
"make the best out of everything", wad does it mean?

Monday, June 22, 2009
Ohmy~ Look at that baby cousin of mine. Just ystrday meeting him, and i didnt get enough of him. Soon he'll be able to stand on his own. And then, prolly he can even run alr and talk and eat MacRonald and even scold (vulgars) hehe. But maybe not too soon. And he has a classic face there. Here's another of my baby cousin.
Coooool rite?!?!?! Omigod~ Both are super cute and adorable. There are awesoooome creatures alive. HAHAHHHA opps, creature? Hehe so random lah ni post.

Anw, ystrday was a lovely day but not for long. It turns horrible halfway :( So sadd! cannot enjoy with my cousinZ. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh so frigging hot lah! Ok here's another last picha which has the same look as, (read it aloud, this looks like ME!) hahahhhahha.
Ok buhbye.

"It seems like ive lost my way in life. Where do i head to? Whut shud i choose? Im not gonna make the same mistake. Shud i risk everything and let it go? Ive no faith in myself anymore. Why do i feel that im a burden? Im so sick from getting sick everytime and making my parents worry. I wont make it. I know my life has got nothing to do with you and i know im not to walk/take the same path as you. And you still have a life ahead of you, without me. There's gonna be that special someone, and im not looking forward to it but im not gonna avoid it either. Im gonna face it, weather the hurricane. Time fly so fast, its nearly 6 years, do u rmb? All i want is my Big Brader. Im done, maybe not. Many, more to say. But it wont end. I wanna find, "me" are u gonna accompany?"

Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Today is tuesday gloom. Ok mrepek. The chicken that my dad is roasting smells super d-d-delicioussssss. Soooo hungry now and verrrryy sleepy. No plans today, just movie marathon. And i am super glad that i'll be going back kampung tmrr. New environment. Ok toddles everyone. Dont feel like blogging.

"I dont wanna make the same mistake. I just wanna know one thing, just one. Have u ever miss me? Goddd, sorry for being a kid. How will i make this work? I need u to tell me. And seriously if u dont know, i miss u. Wait, do u even want to know? Hope to hear from u before i go. *amin*"

Thursday, June 11, 2009
I wanna upload my babies photo and some of lil sissy's ones but I am practically laSy. I doubt u all wanna see it, but i dont care, i still wanna upload it hehe. Today had study session at je library with sam, fiona, ernest, arif and his lil sissy. (Yang extra i wont say it.) Was suppose to do geog with arep, but i ended up doing my fnn bcoz i havent finish it and the rest had done it :(! Sam was being a nice pussy, so she helped me with fnn. Im almost done now, thank god :D! Then arep was doing his geog without any problem and he already finished but mine havent. So i asked him to do for me instead((: And his lil sissy is super cute. I likey and she is a humour person :D! And she said (i was pretty) Haha *turns green like a frog* But she's really nice hehe.

Then had my late breakfast cum lunch at imm's MacRonald. Then they plan to go back to the library but i had to go home as i left lil sissy at home alone. And i am really tired right now. I dont understand why cant we sleep after Asar. Ok maybe we shouldnt. Then i had to fight my sleepiness. Due to ystrday, i didnt really get to sleep bcoz it was really hot and monsters keep popping in my mind. Hope tonight it wont pop out again.

"No. Do u regret now? :("

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


Soooooooooo random ah. In luv with the book fifteeen, and gladly i am still fifteeeeeen :D! But im gonna finish reading it alr. Prolly by tonight, and i am addicted to reading books. This week not much plan, but movie marathon with kak ain and lil sissy at home tmr. And gosh, mirhan is going on hols tmr oso. Beban i ringan siket hehe.

And im watching Anugerah now. Hahahahhhahha part yg paling klakar when they show org yg lupe lyrics. Mcm nak tendang seh! Klakar rabak tgk reaction satu satu. And some of the guys are really hot. Teeheheee.

Wasnt satisfied with the cookies i bake today :(! So soft and was afraid mirhan wudnt like it (eventho he didnt mind) I still like the one i baked for the v first time.

Mane my bestfren hilang eh? My v and only bestfren. If u're reading this, lamer tk msg? Kan i say dah top up msg. Tkkan smpai skrg tk top up top up lagi? Dah 1 whole month. Tkkan dah tknk msg i lagi? If u still duno hu u are, nasri! Msg aku k?

Done blogging :D!

"Oh and im afraid to say i miss u. U know that, dun u?"

Monday, June 8, 2009
Wasted money on so called tuition. Wasted money on my online buys. No chalet and no going to malaysia for hols(eventho its a disgusting place *opps sorry*) And even maybe no batam.

Mendaknyee. Just bcoz momsy had to pay for my so called tuition, i felt that the money was wasted. Eventho ive met new awesome friends and learn new techniques, but now wad? And i know mom said its not wasted, but we could have use the money on smth else. I feel like i wanna work, think man think!

Ok im afraid of the dark? Haha mrepek lah. Byeeeee nak buat hwk. *mcm kental je* hehe.

I have a coolio animal. Perhaps it can be a cat, a kangaroo, a squirrel, a mouse, a turtle and so on so on. Hehe was just boredddd. Whut big ears u have there pussy. *roarrrr* Ok ignore mee. The weather is dot dot dot. And i feel like eating alot alot alot.

I seriously wanna shop for shoes alr. I am really tempted looking at those gorgeous shoes. Next week maybe? Kak ain, movie marathon again? Luv, Alina. Ok bye lah.

Friday, June 5, 2009
Hello. How about beautiFooL shoes/heels/sandals/boots for u? Definitely for me :D! Im sure when kak ain sees this, she'll somehow drool :))

"Im staying put. I want to remain like before. Where are u? Contact me before i go, will u?"